Not The N1SCOS 2024

Not The N1SCOS 2024

  • Natação
  • 5 km

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Sobre o evento

We love the whole N1SCO racing scene. The atmosphere, the inclusivity and the fun racing for all standards of paddler. The only thing we don't like is that they're missing from the race calendar.

To that end, we're putting on our own N1SCO race, with the same format. That means a day on the water with;

  • A technical race
  • A 5km distance race
  • Sprint heats (out and back with a single turn)

Initial tickets will be for paddlers with their own N1SCO board. We're looking into sourcing boards to hire, so please bear with us.

A rough itinerary for the event is as follows (subject to change!)

  • 9am. Registration Closes
  • 9:30 Paddler Briefing
  • 10:00 Technical Race Start
  • 11:30 Sprint Heats
  • 12:30 Lunch
  • 14:00 Distance Race
  • 16:00 Sprint Finals
  • 17:00 Prize giving

Who can enter?

Anyone! You dont need any racing experience at all to take part. The N1SCO boards are easy to paddle.

Como chegar


  • Technical Race

    • Natação
    • 5 km
Nenhum trajeto cadastrado


Este evento NÃO está sendo vendido por Apuama.
Verifique a página do evento para mais informações sobre preços e compra de ingressos.
  • Standard Entry

    US$ 0,00

Mais informações

Sempre verifique as informações atualizadas no site do evento ou do organizador.
Página do evento



Organizado porBurton Sailing Club

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