Break the Ice 5K Run/Walk and Frosty Dash

Break the Ice 5K Run/Walk and Frosty Dash

  • Correr
  • 5k
  • 5k
  • 5k
  • 5k
  • 400 m
Kalamazoo Street near Eagle Street, South Haven, MI, 49090, USA
South Haven Public Schools

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Event Details

This event will take place on February 1st, 2025, starting at 10:00 AM. It begins at the corner of Eagle and Kalamazoo Streets in South Haven, MI, and finishes at the Municipal Marina.

Packet Pickup & Late Registration

  • Friday, January 31st, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM at South Haven High School entrance.
  • Saturday, February 1st, 8:30 AM - 9:45 AM at Black River Tavern.

Courses and Prices

  • Break the Ice 5K RUN: 3.1 Miles - $30.00 - $35.00
  • Break the Ice 5K WALK: 3.1 Miles - $30.00 - $35.00
  • Break the Ice 5K RUN VIRTUAL: 5K - $38.00
  • Break the Ice 5K WALK VIRTUAL: 5K - $38.00
  • Kid’s Frosty Dash: 400m - $15.00

Award Divisions

Male and Female Age Groups: 1-11, 12-15, 16-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-69, 70+

Cómo llegar



Apuama no vende entradas. Verifica precios y disponibilidad en el sitio web del evento.
Break the Ice 5K RUN30,00 US$
Break the Ice 5K WALK30,00 US$
Break the Ice 5K RUN VIRTUAL38,00 US$
Break the Ice 5K WALK VIRTUAL38,00 US$
Kid’s Frosty Dash15,00 US$
Página del evento