Maratona De Montevidéu 2023

Maratona De Montevidéu 2023

  • Correr
  • Maratón
  • Media Maratón
  • 10k
Montevideo, Montevideo, Uruguay

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Acerca del evento

The Montevideo Marathon is held every year in three distances: marathon, half marathon and 10k.

The route is certified by the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF), being a closed circuit, which has the headquarters of the Municipality of Montevideo as a starting and finishing point.

Come and discover the beautiful city of Montevideo running through its streets!

Vídeo del evento

Cómo llegar



Apuama no vende entradas. Verifica precios y disponibilidad en el sitio web del evento.
Extranjeros51,00 US$
Página del evento

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Uruguay>Departamento de Montevideo>Montevideo