Ordination Rock Run 5k

Ordination Rock Run 5k

  • Carrera
  • 5 km
Tamworth,Nuevo Hampshire,Estados Unidos

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Acerca del evento

Ordination Rock Run 5k is a fun family Independence Day tradition in Tamworth. Join the Tamworth Outing Club for a 5k run or walk followed by post-race ice cream treats, watermelon, and a free bib raffle!

The event is by donation, with a recommended donation of $20 per person. All proceeds go to support key programs of the Tamworth Outing Club.

Ice cream and watermelon will be available post-run, with the bib raffle taking place at approximately 9:30 am. Don't miss out on the chance to win fun family outing certificates!

Cómo llegar


  • Ordination Rock Run 5k

    • Carrera
    • 5 km
Ninguna ruta registrada


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Organizado porTamworth Outing Club

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