Ryan's Ranch Run

Ryan's Ranch Run

  • Carrera
  • 2 km
  • 5 km

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Acerca del evento

Join us for the Ryan's Ranch Run, a fun-filled event for the whole family! Located at the beautiful Thousand Hills Ranch in Pismo Beach, CA, this event offers two courses to choose from: the Kids Mile and the 5K Run/Walk.

The Kids Mile is perfect for children who want to participate in a fun and exciting race. With a distance of 1 mile, this course is suitable for kids of all ages and abilities. Prices range from $10.00 to $15.00, making it an affordable option for families.

For those who want a bit more of a challenge, the 5K Run/Walk is the perfect choice. With a distance of 3.1 miles, this course is suitable for runners and walkers of all levels. Prices range from $45.00 to $65.00, with all proceeds going towards supporting Ryan's legacy of providing Victory Trips to young adults who have battled life-threatening illnesses.

In addition to supporting a great cause, donations from this event will also go towards the Central Coast Athletics Foundation, which provides youth running sports and running events on the central coast.

So come out and join us for a day of fun, fitness, and philanthropy at the Ryan's Ranch Run!

Cómo llegar


  • Kids Mile

    • Carrera
    • 2 km
  • 5K

    • Carrera
    • 5 km
Ninguna ruta registrada


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