Circuito Das Estações 2023 - Primavera - Salvador

Circuito Das Estações 2023 - Primavera - Salvador

  • Running
  • 5 km
  • 10 km
  • 18 km

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About the Event

Welcome to the biggest racing circuit in Latin America.

In 2023, our invitation is for change! Change of perspective, habits and attitudes.

When the alarm clock goes off at 6 am, getting out of bed can be difficult, especially in the beginning. But, as the sage says, no one ever regretted a run—not after finishing it.

If life doesn't have a remote control, you have to get up to change it. So how about turning your activities into something that gives you pleasure? Something cool and fun?

Listening to music? With friends? Overcoming yourself? You decide! What matters is seeing you on the street, running, sweating your shirt.

This is an invitation to everyone who wants to change their tune, their day-to-day pace. After all, the shortest distance between two points is a smile.

Let's look at things on the bright side together and change the mind, body and vibe.

How to Get There


  • 5K

    • Running
    • 5 km
  • 10K

    • Running
    • 10 km
  • 18K

    • Running
    • 18 km
No route registered


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