ClubCycle x Girls that Jog

ClubCycle x Girls that Jog

  • Corrida
  • 5 km

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Sobre o evento

About this event

Join ClubCycle Cambridge and Girls that Jog for a 30 minute spin class followed by a chatty 5k around Wandlebury Country Park. After, those who want to stay can grab a coffee at the Docky Barn. Arrive at 10:30 am. We will then get everyone set up on the bike and start the class around 10:45 am.

How to get to ClubCycle:

There is plenty of free parking outside ClubCycle. There is a cycle path the whole way from Addenbrookes. Jump on bus number 13 towards Haverhill and get off at Babraham Research campus. It's a 10 minute walk from the bus stop.

Como chegar


  • 5k Run

    • Corrida
    • 5 km
Nenhum trajeto cadastrado


Este evento NÃO está sendo vendido por Apuama.
Verifique a página do evento para mais informações sobre preços e compra de ingressos.
  • Free

    US$ 0,00

Mais informações

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Página do evento



Organizado porHeather Harper (ClubCycle)

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