F.A.R. 5K

F.A.R. 5K

  • Corrida
  • 5 km

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Sobre o evento

A fun 5K Run/Walk to get moving after the holidays! On Sunday 1/7/24, we will be having an untimed fun run starting and ending at Lakeside Park, Pawling NY. All who would like to celebrate or reduce their bountiful backsides are welcome to run or walk with us. The course will be marked but not timed and without bibs, but this year there will be medals. There is a cost of $5 and all paid participants will receive a medal to mark the occasion. This is a fun 5k with friends.

Como chegar


  • F.A.R 5K

    • Corrida
    • 5 km
Nenhum trajeto cadastrado


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