Ragged 75 Stage Race and 50k

Ragged 75 Stage Race and 50k

  • Corrida de Trilha
  • 39 km
  • 37 km
  • 53 km
Danbury,Nova Hampshire,Estados Unidos

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Sobre o evento

The Ragged 75 Stage Race is a challenging 75-mile race with approximately 15,500 feet of elevation gain that includes very technical single-track, steep climbs & descents, double track, fire roads, dirt/gravel roads & pavement. The race predominantly follows a 75-mile loop of hiking trails, surrounding Lake Sunapee in Western/Central, NH called the SRKG Greenway (Sunapee Ragged Kearsage Greenway).

For the 3 day stage race, Competitors will complete a point-to-point trail of approximately 22 miles in Stage 1 (summiting Mt. Ragged & Mt. Kearsarge), 25 miles in Stage 2 (summiting Mt. Sunapee) and 33 miles in Stage 3. For the 50k, competitors will complete a point-to-point trail of approximately 33 miles and 6,300 ft of vertical.

The course is great, but the stage format and support from the race organization is what makes this event special and unique. We really try hard to create a family atmosphere and be as supportive as we can to the racers.

There is a detailed course briefing each night in which experiences from the day are also shared. Overnight camping for the first night will be at the Wadleigh State Park and the overnight camping on the second night will be at Sunapee Middle High School with access to bathrooms, and electricity. You still need Tents and Sleeping bags.

At the end of the first two stages, spend your free time recovering and enjoying the camaraderie of fellow competitors, family, and friends. For those wanting a different type of challenge and an intimate race experience… we look forward to seeing you in August!

Como chegar


  • Stage 1

    • Corrida de Trilha
    • 39 km
  • Stage 2

    • Corrida de Trilha
    • 37 km
  • Stage 3

    • Corrida de Trilha
    • 53 km
Nenhum trajeto cadastrado


Este evento NÃO está sendo vendido por Apuama.
Verifique a página do evento para mais informações sobre preços e compra de ingressos.
  • Stage Race

    US$ 399,00
  • 50k

    US$ 99,00

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