Ram 5 Mile 2024

Ram 5 Mile 2024

  • Corrida
  • 8 km

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Sobre o evento

The RAM 5 Mile is one of the newest additions to the Run For All calendar. This is an event for runners of all ages and abilities, providing an even greater boost for charities and a fun and friendly way to inspire more people to get active. The 5-mile distance features the same start and finish as Ramathon and will set off from Iron Gate. It will take runners on the same route as the half marathon distance, running through the city centre for the first 2 miles. Shortly after 2 miles, runners will then make their way towards Derby County's Pride Park Stadium and head back towards the city centre, finishing where the journey began at Iron Gate. Event details and schedule

Como chegar


  • 5 Mile

    • Corrida
    • 8 km
Nenhum trajeto cadastrado


Este evento NÃO está sendo vendido por Apuama.
Verifique a página do evento para mais informações sobre preços e compra de ingressos.
  • Event Entry including Finisher's T-shirt - General Entry - 5 Mile

    £ 31,00
  • Event Entry including Finisher's T-shirt - UK Athletics Club Member - 5 Mile

    £ 29,00
  • Event Entry Only - General Entry - 5 Mile

    £ 31,00
  • Event Entry Only - UK Athletics Club Member - 5 Mile

    £ 29,00
  • Discount Event Entry including a Finisher's t-shirt - General Entry - 5 Mile

    £ 28,50

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Página do evento



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