Ramathon 2024

Ramathon 2024

  • Corrida
  • 226 km

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Sobre o evento

The Ramathon is the oldest and biggest event of its kind in Derbyshire. It was organised by Run For All for the first time in 2018. This race has proved to be an extremely popular addition to Run For All's events calendar, attracting thousands of runners and raising loads of cash for good causes. The event will be bigger and better than ever. The exciting new route starts and finishes in Iron Gate close to Derby Cathedral and takes in Pride Park Stadium, Alvaston Park and the stunning scenery of Elvaston Castle Country Park. The course is fast and flat. A fantastically vibrant atmosphere on the day is guaranteed. As well as being the pride of the city, runners crossing the finish line can look forward to some great rewards including a bespoke t-shirt, medal and goody bag containing well-earned post-race treats.

Como chegar


  • Ramathon 2024

    • Corrida
    • 226 km
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