Surrey Hills Evening Hike - November

Surrey Hills Evening Hike - November

  • Caminhada
  • 8 km

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Sobre o evento

Strap on your headtorch and join this fantastic evening hike led by an experienced guide and mountain leader. Explore the stunning trails around the Surrey Hills, covering 5 miles and soaking in the spectacular views. Come along for the encouraging atmosphere and the amazing scenery, with route highlights including St Martha's Church and Hill.

Event Details

This incredible 5 mile hike starts and finishes in Guildford, Surrey, and provides incredible views throughout. Highlights of the route include St Martha's Church and Hill and the North Downs Way, but you'll also be able to enjoy a range of wonderful trails and woodland, and you might even spot some local wildlife. This is an evening hike, so get ready for an unforgettable experience - first timers are welcome! Taking place in November, this hike will occur under cover of darkness, offering the unique chance to walk guided by your headtorch in a safe group environment. The hike will be led by an experienced guide and mountain leader, who will guide the group so all you have to worry about is walking and enjoying yourself!

Como chegar


  • 5 Mile Hike

    • Caminhada
    • 8 km
Nenhum trajeto cadastrado


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  • Standard Ticket

    £ 18,00

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Organizado porHiking Adventures

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