• Corrida
  • 2 km
Bethlehem,Nova Hampshire,Estados Unidos

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Sobre o evento

For all our new fans over the past five years, if you don’t know what the Beer Mile is, let us teach you our ways.

The rules are simple: run one whole mile, while stopping to chug a 12oz beer every quarter mile. Your beer must be chugged and cans must be emptied before you can run off to complete your next quarter-mile stint. Simple, yet hard as hell to do.

At 9am on the 4th of July, our registration table will open for contestants to check in and get their bibs and bags. Starting at 10am, we will begin sending off the heats of runners. At the start line, when the horn blows, you must chug your first beer before you can begin running. Once you complete your first lap, you have to come into the pit lane, grab your next beer, and chug it. Before running, you must get your bib marked by the race officials to ensure your beers are accounted for. After your last chug and one final sprint of a quarter mile, you can cross the finish line in all your glory.

One twist: all contestants will be given a gallon bag and asked to puke in that instead of on the roads. We also hand out a prize for the person who fills their puke bag the most!

Contestants will receive with their registration, their 4 beers for the race, a post ceremony drink, a rek’- lis pint glass, and beer mile 2024 goodies! We have four winning categories: Fastest Man, Fastest Woman, Best Costume, Biggest Puker

Como chegar


  • Beer Mile

    • Corrida
    • 2 km
Nenhum trajeto cadastrado


Este evento NÃO está sendo vendido por Apuama.
Verifique a página do evento para mais informações sobre preços e compra de ingressos.
  • Standard Entry

    US$ 0,00

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Página do evento



Organizado porRek'-lis Brewing Co.

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