The Governor Backyard Ultra October

The Governor Backyard Ultra October

  • Corrida
  • 1 km

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Sobre o evento

The Governor Backyard Ultra is a unique event in which participants will complete a 4.167 mile route on the hour, every hour until only one person remains. Come for a different experience and to escape HMP Hellfire.

Event Details

The event takes place on Saturday, 19th October 2024 in Dover, United Kingdom. The course starts from the main prison block, called Hell House, and passes through a small tunnel into the fortress’ revetment.


Registration opens at 07:30 on the day of the event. All participants must be aged 18 or older. The entry fee is £115.

Route Information

The route is at least 4.167 miles long and participants must complete the exercise within an hour to be counted.

Event Rules

Participants must follow the guidance of prison wardens at all times. No artificial aids are allowed, and littering or abusive behavior will not be tolerated.


Spectators are not allowed within the prison walls, but there are designated viewing points outside the revetment.

Como chegar


  • Backyard Ultra

    • Corrida
    • 1 km
Nenhum trajeto cadastrado


Este evento NÃO está sendo vendido por Apuama.
Verifique a página do evento para mais informações sobre preços e compra de ingressos.
  • Standard Ticket

    £ 115,00

Mais informações

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Página do evento



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