Couple Shuffle - Grand RapidsRunning3 km5k10k50 m February 2, 2025Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
Time to Paddy 5k/10k & Lucky 13.1Running5k10kHalf Marathon2 km March 2, 2025Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
Time to Paddy 5k/10k & Lucky 13.1 - Grand RapidsRunning5k10kHalf Marathon March 2, 2025Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
White Pine Thaw Marathon RelayRunningMarathonMarathon March 9, 2025Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
Meals On Wheels Western Michigan March for MealsWalking3 kmRunning5k March 29, 2025Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
DoNot Stop Half Marathon (5k/10k)Running2 km5k50 m10kHalf Marathon April 5, 2025Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
Grand Rapids Road Mile - Presented by Society Track ClubRunning2 km2 km2 km May 4, 2025Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States