RunThrough Chase the Sun Hyde Park - June

RunThrough Chase the Sun Hyde Park - June

  • Carrera
  • 5 km
  • 10 km
  • 5 km

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Acerca del evento

Join us for the RunThrough Chase the Sun Hyde Park event in June. This midweek race is the perfect way to break up your working week and enjoy a scenic run around London's iconic Hyde Park. Whether you're a seasoned runner or a beginner looking for a new challenge, this event is suitable for all abilities.

Choose between the 5k or 10k distance and race against the setting sun as you tackle the flat and fast course. The route will take you through the beautiful park, offering stunning views and a peaceful atmosphere. It's a great opportunity to explore one of London's most famous landmarks while getting fit and active.

Not only will you have the chance to enjoy a fantastic run, but you'll also receive a well-deserved finishers medal to commemorate your achievement. This is a great incentive to push yourself and achieve a personal best, or simply enjoy the experience of completing a race in such a picturesque location.

So gather your friends, lace up your running shoes, and join us for the RunThrough Chase the Sun Hyde Park event in June. It's a fun and friendly race that promises a memorable experience for all participants. Don't miss out on this opportunity to challenge yourself and enjoy the beauty of Hyde Park. Sign up now and start training for an unforgettable event.

Cómo llegar


  • 5k

    • Carrera
    • 5 km
  • 10k

    • Carrera
    • 10 km
  • Group of 6 Booking (6 Entries)

    • Carrera
    • 5 km
Ninguna ruta registrada


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